Sarah, Gwen and I attended the Born Digital Book release at EMP a few weeks ago. Just a few days before the event we bought a flip hand held video recorder for the family. This is Gwen’s first time using the recorder on her own. Gwen choose the questions and choose who to interview, the video points out how comfortable those who grow up with technology at their fingertips are using the tech. It was a great learning experience for all of us. The video also shows the difference in generational views on technology.
Here is the video enjoy.
On the video editing side this was my first time using Jahshaka an Open Source Media Playback and Visual Effects program. The learning curve was a little steep, but it worked well after viewing several tutorials online. There is a huge need for Open Source programs to work on usability.
Part two is coming soon the total video was almost 20 mins and YouTube only accepts 10 minute clips.