Posted on September 8, 2008 in IP, SL, SL Bar, Second Life by Brian RoweComments Off

Date: 9/9/08
Time: 12 noon (PDT/SLT)
Place: SL Bar Association Office
Topic: “Trademark Infringement in Virtual Worlds,” by Stephen Wu (SL: ‘Legal Writer’).
Cost: FREE!
CLE Credit: 1 hour California MCLE
To register visit

Speaker Stephen Wu (SL: ‘Legal Writer’) will discuss the risks posed to trademark owners by widespread infringement in Second Life, and how a failure to police their marks may cause them to lose their valuable trademark rights. He will also discuss the issues raised by trademark use and infringement in virtual worlds generally, including issues applicable to clients faced with infringement of their own trademarks and to those accused of infringing the trademarks of others.

Wu has a background in software licensing, technology law, intellectual property, general commercial litigation, data protection and secure ecommerce, and has done presentations on electronic discovery, and digital evidence, Mr. Wu has recently been elected President-Elect of the 2008-09 SL Bar Association.

I will be attending my SL avatar is Sarterus Mensing

Past SL CLE posts:

IP Enforcement in Virtual Worlds by Tamiko Franklin (second CLE)

First In  world CLE “Virtual World Legal Issues” by David Naylor

Posted on July 16, 2008 in IP, SL, SL Bar by Brian RoweComments Off

SL Bar

The first ever in-world CLE (Continuing Legal Education) was held yesterday at the SL Bar Association offices.  The turn out was strong with approximately 30 attendees.  SLBA President ‘Solomon Cortes’ (David Naylor) presented a 90 minute talk on “Virtual World Legal Issues”. CLE credit is very important to lawyers because they have to take a certain number of CLE credits each year to maintain bar memberships — and these seminars can be expensive.  I have been to CLE’s with registration fees in the several-hundred-dollar range.  This is a barrier to making the law accessible to the public, since non-lawyers almost never attend due to the cost.

Posted on July 14, 2008 in SL, SL Bar by Brian RoweComments Off

The SL Bar Association’s first CLE seminar will be held in in Second Life at the SLBA offices Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at 12:00 Noon Pacific. The seminar will feature SLBA President ‘Solomon Cortes’ (David Naylor) presenting “Virtual World Legal Issues.” This marks the very first time that CLE credit has been offered for an exclusively in-world event. There is no charge for the seminar, and you’ll earn 1 hour of California MCLE or England and Wales CPD credit for attending. Registration is currently still open, but space is limited.

I will be there with my SL avatar: Sarterus Mensing.