Looks like I am headed to Atlanta for next years Nonprofit Technology Conference on April 8th through the 10th. I will be running a panel on Terms of Service and Sharing Content. This also means I need help finding contract and copyright/copyleft geeks in Atlanta. So if you know any who might be a good speaker on the panel please ping me.
Here is the official description of the panel:
Sharing Content, Terms of Service & Copyright Best Practices
Give your constituents the power to share and remix to spread your message. This panel will include legal scholars, techies and npo staff to share best practices related to Terms of Service and copyright licensing. Bring your questions and learn what mistakes to avoid while receiving practical takeaways for enabling remix or knowledge sharing for your org.
Session Takeaways:
1. Best practices for writing member friendly Terms of Service
2. Tools for marking content to share with Creative Commons License
3. Ideas from other NPO’s that have already embraced communities of sharing