Washington Lawyers for the Arts, next brown bag lunch covers a great topic, Privacy and Publicity. Seattle attorney Mel Simburg will guide you through the ins and outs of Washington’s laws regarding privacy and publicity, including who is protected, what exactly the law prevents, how protection under these laws differs from that provided under copyright and trademark laws, and how privacy and publicity rights concerns are balanced against the First Amendment right of free speech. He will answer your questions, so come prepared!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Noon to 1:30 pm (registration begins at 11:30 am.)
Stoel Rives LLP
600 University St, Ste 3600
Seattle, Washington 98101
Click here for directions
Note: Unfortunately, we cannot provide comped parking. We suggest taking a Metro bus. Here is a link to Metro Transit trip planner.
In advance: $35 attorneys and paralegals; $10 artists and students
At the door: $40 attorneys and paralegals; $15 artists and students
1.5 CLE credits pending