Posted on April 2, 2008 in wiki by Esther BensonView Comments

The Freedom for IP wiki is up and operational. You can view and edit the wiki at:

The major content for the wiki has now been added, although we’ll continue to fill in the caselaw page over the next few weeks. The wiki covers the background of intellectual property, as well as current writings on the topic, significant organizations, and important cases.

Please feel free to help us with the case law information.

Posted on November 3, 2007 in CC, open rights group, twitter, wiki by Brian RoweView Comments

Last week The Open Rights Group, in collaboration with 01zero-one and funded by the London Development Agency, began a research project that is examining how the internet enables creative entrepreneurs to develop innovative business practices by being more open with their intellectual property. Creative Business in the Digital Era will examine new business models and the wider context in which they sit, culminating in one day-long and two evening courses at which they will share their findings.

The best part is that they are developing the course out in the open, and under a Creative Commons license, using a wiki, and the need your help need your help! Now! Time is of the essence, as they plan to complete all the course materials by the beginning of February, ready for delivery in March (I hope they podcast the event).

Here is how to get involved:

  1. Sign-up for a free account on the wiki and get cracking! (already created an account myself)
  2. Join the ORG-Discuss mailing list and contribute to the conversation there.
  3. Save relevant links to using the tag org-cbde
  4. Follow their Twitter stream

PS If anyone has extra airline tickets from Seattle to London I would love to go to the presentations!