Posted on January 21, 2008 in Copynight, Seattle by Brian RoweComments Off

Come join us for the First Seattle CopyNight of 2008: Детальное описание antminer l7 купить здесь.

Tuesday at 8:30 PM
Elysian, 1221 E. Pike St.
Seattle WA in Capitol Hill.

Happy New Year! Come ring in 2008 (a little belatedly) with the year’s first CopyNight. Predict what IP issues will be big this year, learn about upcoming events, and have a beer or three. Hope to see you there!

To join the copynight mailing list vist Copynight is active in 22 cities
for a complete list check here.

Posted on November 26, 2007 in Copynight, IP by Brian RoweComments Off

Come join us for the last Seattle CopyNight of 2007:

Tuesday at 8:30 PM
Elysian, 1221 E. Pike St.
Seattle WA in Capitol Hill.

We won’t be meeting in December, so this will be your last chance until the new year to discuss such exciting topics as the latest bad ideas about copyright to surface in Congress, Larry Lessig’s PowerPoint chops, or the pressure being exerted by the Copyright Alliance (which counts the MPAA and RIAA among its member) on presidential candidates to take a position in favor of *even more* expansion of copyright law:

To join the copynight mailing list vist Copynight is active in 22 cities
for a complete list check here.

There are several local organizations that are actively fighting against draconian copyright, patent and trade secret laws to restore some balance to the system.

Students for Free Culture at Seattle University School of Law

SU Law is dedicated to social justice and the accessibility of the law to everyone in society. The local free culture chapter is working to bring a social justice and public interest perspective to intellectual property issues through education, outreach and activism.
Contact: [email protected]

Freedom for IP

Freedom for IP is a small volunteer-run organization that works to limit intellectual property whenever it comes into conflict with the public good or Human Rights. They advocate for taking action by freeing ones own content, using freedom of speech and fair use and sometimes even civil disobedience to change the system.
Contact: [email protected]

Technology and Liberty Project at ACLU of Washington

The Technology and Liberty Project aims to ensure that government and business respect civil liberties principles in decisions made about technology and privacy.



CopyNight is a monthly social gathering of people nationwide interested in restoring balance in copyright law. We meet over drinks once a month on Capitol Hill in Seattle to discuss new developments and build social ties between artists, engineers, filmmakers, academics, lawyers, and many others.


If you want to be involved in the copyfight to please join the above organizations and start standing up for the rights of everyone against monopolistic interests that are abusing the rule of law, slowing innovation and quashing criticism.

-Brian Rowe
2L Seattle University Law
Founder Freedom for IP

Posted on July 24, 2007 in Copynight, harry potter, IP, Pirate bay, RIAA, Seattle, university of Washington by Brian RoweComments Off

Please join us tonight (Tuesday) at 8:30 PM at Cafe Press in Capitol Hill at 1117 12th Ave. This is a new location with WIFI. The location is also all ages with a good reasonably priced menu and drinks.

Topics will include:

Harry Potter and Pirate Bay


Free Culture in Seattle

See you there,

-Brian Rowe
Freedom for Intellectual Prosperity