David Torpie (Office of Economic and Statistical Research at the Queensland Treasury) – Photo by Oneras under CC BY SA
David’s talk focused on the “Government Information Licensing Framework: a multidisciplinary project improving access to Public Sector Information.” In Australia government works are copyrighted by default and copyright applies to many more works then it is in the US. Sweat of the brow works like a phone book or a data base with no creativity are copyrighted. The GILF project gives greater access to Australian government data, to make government more transparent. The Queensland Treasury uses “digital license management”, or DLM. DLM is a technology to embed license metadata into documents and other works, developed in Java. Benefits include ease of linking from data to license, and finding information based on its license. DLM should not be confused with DRM Digital Rights Management which locks works down with technological barriers.
For real time photos of th Tech Summit check out Oneras‘ photo stream on Flickr.