interviewed by Fred Benenson
Lawrence Lessig – Professor, Stanford Law, Founder, Creative Commons
Lessig: The only way we win is through a Students for Free Culture movement.
Remix Culture: Armature Culture is extremely important to culture.
“If you are 20 years old and can not make a film something is wrong” (paraphrased) This shows the difference not just generations but also in participations and sharing.
Hybrid economy, a commercial economy that empowers the sharing of user generated contributions.
Three models:
1. Darth Vader Model: Where the death star controls all user rights. Lessig’s response to this business model FU to the
2. GT and NIN: give it a way and monitize through new means
3. Terry Fisher, EFF: collective models that do n ot make sharing illegal
Q: How do you keep publishing books like Remix when you left the movement and how do you balnce your interest with Change Congress.
A: The book was written before the move to Change Congress. I am still on the board of Creative Commons and still work with these issues. I love talking to this group as Free Culture is moving in a positive direction.
Q: Privacy where are you on it what are your thoughts here?
A: we are missing an identity layer on the internet. Open ID could be a solution. Most solution put forward by the government go way to far in putting out too much information.
“I hope SFFC starts picking some fights” One idea is sit ins for open access. The developing world can not get access to ideas and knowledge. Fighting and parties go together. Start launching wars! Work to open access to knowledge and scholarly works.
Q:What are your thoughts on becoming Students for Free Culture and are we excluding too many people from the movement by focusing on students?
A: No focus is good. and other movements can start like artist for free culture. (Brian’s Note: Other movements are needed)
Q: What can non student do?
A: I can’t answer that. you need to.
PS There will large announcement coming form CC on October 15th.