John Palfrey talk at EMP
Definition: Digital natives = born after 1980 with access to the digital world.
Digital Landscape
I. Digital Identities – I blog therefore I am – online identities. online = offline
II. Distracting – Multi-tasking
III. Digital Media – Downloading is a norm. Youtube v. Hollywood -
IV. Creators and natural collaborators
V. International perspective
Conflicts or challenges
I. Security – the data does not show more danger to children just a permanent record
II. Privacy – more information is making it online
III. Intellectual Property – remix culture
IV. Credibility – What is reliable
V. Information overload – Real challenge having access to so much information
Opportunities -
Intellectual Property needs to be remade to allow for interactive democracy and remixing of culture
Credibility: How do we define and teach credibility checking. How do we establish credibility online.
Check out the website it includes a wiki with most of the research and an opportunity to contribute to a diolge about these findings.
The presentation ended with this video: The Ballad of Zack McCune- Part 2