The Seattle PI made two blog posts regarding Seattle Student for Free Culture last week. The discussion related to the recent RIAA suits and the local copyfight at Seattle University School of Law and at University of Washington. It appears that SU Law is acting to Free Culture while UW has not taken action yet. This is surprising considering both the RIAA suits at UW and UW’s recent speaker of Brewster Kahle and up coming speech from Larry Lessig. Where are the librarians and the Ischool in the fight to open up access to all knowledge?
I recommend checking out the articles, I will be reposting here the comment we made on how to get involved in the copyfight in Seattle.
Original article about Seattle Students for Free Culture
Follow up article with interviews with Brian Rowe and Scott Shawcroft
Disclosure: I am the student leader behind SFFC at Seattle Univerity Law and a Graduate of University of Washington.