“Consumers should not be able to listen to any music or enjoy any movie anywhere without our approval,” said Sherman.
In addition to coordination of anti-piracy efforts, a key benefit of the merger will also be reduced costs.
“We no longer have to have both the movie and music industries buying up senators and congressmen to get restrictive copyright laws passed,” Glickman explained. “Now the representatives will be getting one sack of money from one organization. The cost savings to us will be tremendous.”
The first such law that the organization will persue will be the passing of the so-called 0WNAGE Act which specifies that copyrights can now only belong to corporations and that all copyrights, including expired ones, will be reinstated and non-expiring.
Read more at MAFIAA http://mafiaa.org/press_room/
I wanted to post this before commenting on the MPAA’s recent comment on the Pirate Party.
atrtibution to John T. Haller