In October of 2008, Google announced it had reached a settlement with authors and publishers in the class action lawsuits over its Google Book Search. With the settlement now being put into place, what will this mean for those that participate in the program and for those who do not? What will happen to competitors for Google Book Search and what impact will Google’s Book Registry have on the future of copyright law? Join our fantastic panel for a lively discussion as we delve into this evolving area of copyright law.
In October of 2008, Google announced it had reached a settlement with authors and publishers in the class action lawsuits over its Google Book Search. With the settlement now being put into place, what will this mean for those that participate in the program and for those who do not? What will happen to competitors for Google Book Search and what impact will Google’s Book Registry have on the future of copyright law? Join our fantastic panel for a lively discussion as we delve into this evolving area of copyright law.
Date: Thursday, January 29, 2009
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.: Welcome
6:15 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.: Panel Discussion and Q&A
7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.: Social Hour – Meet and Greet (sponsored by Seattle University Law and the IPLS)
Place: Seattle University School of Law, Sullivan Hall, 901 12th Avenue,
Seattle 98122
Cost: FREE!

BRIAN FLAGLER founded Flagler Law Group in spring 2006, where his practice focuses on publishers, designers, producers, and distributors of Christian media. Before founding the firm, Brian served as Vice President of Administration & General Counsel of Multnomah Publishers, Inc. Prior to his time at Multnomah, Brian practiced intellectual property and corporate law in the Portland, Oregon office of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP and, prior to moving to the west coast, with Troutman Sanders LLP in Atlanta, Georgia, where he also served as adjunct instructor of intellectual property law at Clayton College & State University. Brian graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law.

BRIAN FLAGLER founded Flagler Law Group in spring 2006, where his practice focuses on publishers, designers, producers, and distributors of Christian media. Before founding the firm, Brian served as Vice President of Administration & General Counsel of Multnomah Publishers, Inc. Prior to his time at Multnomah, Brian practiced intellectual property and corporate law in the Portland, Oregon office of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP and, prior to moving to the west coast, with Troutman Sanders LLP in Atlanta, Georgia, where he also served as adjunct instructor of intellectual property law at Clayton College & State University. Brian graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law.

JULE L. SIGALL is Senior Policy Counsel/Copyright & Trademark in Microsoft’s Legal & Corporate Affairs department, focusing on company-wide global copyright policy, as well as copyright counseling to the Entertainment & Devices division. Before joining Microsoft, Jule served as Associate Register for Policy & International Affairs at the U.S. Copyright Office, where he headed the U.S. delegation to sessions of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights. He was also an adjunct professor at George Washington University Law School, where he taught copyright law, and is a frequent speaker on copyright in both domestic and international conferences. Prior to his government service, Jule practiced in the Intellectual Property & Technology Group of Arnold & Porter in Washington, DC, where he was involved in some of the leading cases involving copyright and new technology. He is a summa cum laude graduate of Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law and received his A.B. from Duke University.
NICHOLAS MITCHELL (MODERATOR) is currently the Chair of the Northwest Chapter of the CSUSA and a senior attorney with Hughes Media Law Group working in a variety of intellectual property disciplines, but primarily focusing on strategic business development, drafting and negotiating various services, media and licensing agreements. Prior to joining Hughes Media Law Group, Nick was with Microsoft Game Studios where he focused on negotiating and drafting copyright, trademark, development and publishing agreements for video game project development and marketing. Additionally, he oversaw Microsoft Game Studios’ music strategy and cross-group music initiatives with the Zune Music Player and Service.