Comments on: DRM Harms Dyslexics: Comment to the Copyright Office /2009/05/14/drm-harms-dyslexics/ Dreaming of Intellectual Prosperity Thu, 07 Jul 2011 15:58:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Betsy /2009/05/14/drm-harms-dyslexics/comment-page-1/#comment-442 Betsy Fri, 15 May 2009 06:00:32 +0000 /?p=1140#comment-442 I am just a simple mother with a son who is dyslexic. He is only 13 yrs old and we live in the Philippines. Educational system is not very up to date when it comes to dyslexics. I just wanted to say I am impressed with your achievements and I hope my son will grow up to achieve in his own way as well. More power. I am just a simple mother with a son who is dyslexic. He is only 13 yrs old and we live in the Philippines. Educational system is not very up to date when it comes to dyslexics. I just wanted to say I am impressed with your achievements and I hope my son will grow up to achieve in his own way as well. More power.
